“Perfection just does not exist,” John Dietrich of Ellison Bay Pottery explained to me when I visited his studio-gallery, where he had been producing lovely pottery works since the late 1960s. “I produce about 3,000 pieces of pottery every year. If I come up with three or four pieces that I really like, that come close to what I imagine is the best I can do, I’m happy. That is what keeps me wanting to do it again and again.”
Continue readingIn December 2020 we started our Facebook LIVE pottery demonstrations and NOW it's time for those Wednesday mornings to begin again.
Demonstrations are performance art. I learned that quickly. John loves to share information and supports all potters, regardless their proficiency, with encouraging words and even a glaze recipe or two.
Back to John's demonstrations: Each day is a day in the life of a Studio Potter, which he proudly represents. That means that sometimes we can predict or plan for our Wednesday mornings and sometimes we can't The is an ebb and flow to our pottery/studio lives. This week we may be glazing. Whatever we do, we're so glad you're with us.
If you've got a question (about clay and pottery only :) let us know.
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We are working in the studio, reading pottery books, moving snow (not me, John does that), walking dogs, stacking and burning wood, hauling wood ash, cleaning snow off the roof, visiting medical pros (we're a little older :) and we've learned it's an older person "hobby"), reading and having a few naps. These are all good winter activities for creatives and makers. We're taking a very nice break and refueling, giving our brains some room and time to work without our interference. It's working, too. It's an exciting time in the studio.
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It might not seem like it, but the holidays are going to be here faster than you think. It’s a great idea to start thinking about what you’re going to get for your loved one, and our Door County pottery studio can think of no better gift to give than the gift of handmade pottery!
Unique and individual, the pieces from Ellison Bay Pottery Studios make for a perfect present. Learn more about the types of pottery we feature, and place your order or visit our Door County pottery studio today!
We all know that person who simply loves to cook. It’s a cathartic experience for them, they love trying new recipes, and making the same old comfort foods time and again. A handmade baking dish is the perfect gift for this exact person, and they will appreciate how original this gesture is. Not to mention, this form of artisan pottery is not only gorgeous, it’s functional! All of our pottery is oven, microwave, and dishwasher safe!
When you know someone moving into a new house or starting a new chapter in their life (such as getting married), they’re likely in need of some basic household items. But the thing is, anyone can get regular old bowls at Target or another department store. The bowls that you order from our Door County pottery studio are ones that are built to stand the tests of time, and are such an individual and personal gift. These will be the bowls that your loved one(s) think of fondly, with plenty of nostalgia, and you can order them with ease from our online store.
We all know that person who loves the quirky and eclectic parts of life, and for them, a goblet would be a perfect gift. Having something to sip on during “Game of Thrones” becomes infinitely more enjoyable when consumed out of an incredible piece of pottery. It’s an unexpected, but greatly appreciated gift — goblets are also great for religious or other ceremonies as well!
Practically everyone can appreciate the beauty of a handmade mug. From Ellison Bay Pottery Studios, you can expect gorgeous mugs in multiple shapes and designs, such as small and travel sizes. For the tea lover or the coffee fanatic, this is a gift that’s sure to spruce up every morning.
As we say frequently at our studio, “Life without art is simply not a life worth living.” Our artisan pottery prides itself on being functional, but sometimes you just need the function to be a beautiful and thought-provoking one. Our pottery vases, urns, and more are amazing gifts for the artsy person in your life, or the friend or family member who’s decorating a new space.
The holidays might be coming up, but truly, there’s never a bad time to order handmade pottery from Ellison Bay Pottery Studios! We put attention, care, and detail into every one of our handmade pieces, and we’re positive that you and your loved one will be thrilled with your purchase. Place your order today — the person you’re giving a gift to is about to be in for a wonderful surprise!
Continue readingWelcome back to our blog series on fun things to do in Door County this fall! Door County is a magical place with so many amazing activities all year round, but there’s something especially wondrous about a fall trip up to Wisconsin’s spectacular peninsula. The other-worldly colors, the crisp, cool air, a visit to Door County just can’t be beat.
Ellison Bay Pottery Studios has the handcrafted pottery that you’re sure to love, but we also have the inside scoop on places to check out in Door County. Stay tuned for some great fall activities, and stop by or shop online from Ellison Bay Pottery Studios today!
With the many Halloween-themed activities that happen in Door County, the end of October is an excellent time to visit — particularly for families with kids who love dressing up. Jack O’Lantern Days in Fish Creek is great for trick-or-treating, mask making, a costume contest, and even has live owls that kids can observe. Thrills on Third is another great Halloween opportunity, where Sturgeon Bay features activities such as pumpkin painting, walks through haunted houses, a costume parade, and slime making. Both of these events take place the weekend of October 26th.
Apple pies and crisps, cherry cobblers, pumpkin muffins, fresh seafood — whether you’re checking out a farmers market or dining at an exceptional foodie restaurant (which are truly everywhere in Door County), there are infinite foods to enjoy and try while you’re on the peninsula. For some truly unique and delicious meals, try the cheese curd pizza at the Wild Tomato in Fish Creek, a whitefish kimchi BLT from Wickman House in Ellison Bay, or some Swedish fare at Al Johnson’s — and be sure to check the roof for some surprise guests!
One of everyone’s favorite things to do in Door County is to visit all the wonderfully quaint shops that dot the peninsula’s streets. From clothing and local food items (cherry jam and homemade cheese, to name a few) to handcrafted pottery, you simply can’t go wrong when you spend some time shopping in Door County. Park your car in one of the staple towns, such as Fish Creek, Ellison Bay, or Sister Bay, and stroll around while window- or actual shopping. Not only are you finding some excellent souvenirs for yourself, you’re supporting local businesses as well.
Ellison Bay Pottery Studios offers free demonstrations for visitors! Our handcrafted pottery is unique in many ways — each piece is handmade and individual, but also functional, and can hold food and liquids, as well as go in the dishwasher and microwave. You can witness first hand the process that goes into making our handcrafted pottery, and find incredible gifts to take back home with you. Whether for yourself or for a loved one, a piece of handmade pottery is a timeless and thoughtful souvenir.
We’re located at the very northernmost part of Door County, in beautiful Ellison Bay. Stop by our store or shop our online collections — we hope to see you and are thankful for your business!
Continue readingSomething that every Wisconsinite (and many an Illinoisan) know is that there’s no better place to visit than Door County in the fall. The incredible colors of the deciduous forests, the striking landscape of rock and water, a trip to Door County is one of unparalleled beauty. There are so many reasons to come up to the peninsula all throughout autumn, which is why Ellison Bay Pottery Studios has compiled a list of the best activities for the season. Take a look at our list, and while you’re driving around, stop by our Door County pottery studio for demonstrations, gifts, and incredible artwork!
“Stunning” is about the only word that best describes Wisconsin’s scenic peninsula. In autumn, the vistas become even more mesmerizing. Drive up Northport Road for some winding fall views, all the way up the peninsula. Make sure you spend some time at Peninsula State Park in Fish Creek — on a warm day, renting bikes is ideal. Heading east towards the Lake Michigan side, you’ll see some wonderful beach views and one of the impressive Great Lakes, which will probably make you feel like you’re standing at the ocean instead of the edge of Wisconsin. These are just some ideas, but there’s not a bad view in sight when you’re traveling up through Door County.
With ferry rides leaving every hour on the hour (from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) from right here in Ellison Bay, you can traverse up to the beautiful Washington Island. Check out the hidden Stavkirke, an historic replica of a Scandinavian church, as well as Schoolhouse Beach, a pebble beach with crystalline water that’s sure to bring a sense of serenity to everyone who visits.
You’ll need to drive around on Washington Island, but it’s not a problem — cars can be driven onto and transported across the water!
Just down the road from our Door County pottery studio in Egg Harbor is the annual Pumpkin Patch Festival, held this year on October 5th and 6th. With live music, food and drink tents, carnival rides, and games for every kid to enjoy, it’s guaranteed to be fall fun for the whole family. It’s a pretty busy weekend, so it’s recommended to get there earlier. View the schedule of events here.
In addition to the Pumpkin Patch Festival, there are tons of other fun fall festivals to check out in Door County each fall. The Apple Festival in Sister Bay, the Townline Art Fair in Ephraim, the Autumn Lighthouse Festival featured at the Maritime Museum — the list goes on and on!
Our next blog will cover even more incredible fall activities for you to enjoy. Door County is a magical place to visit, and you can make your trip even more special by stopping by Ellison Bay Pottery Studios. With demonstrations and ideal Door County pottery gifts that everyone will love, this is one stop you don’t want to miss on your trip. We look forward to seeing you, but if you can’t make it this time around, shop our collections online! Continue readingThis year, as all we know, has been full of major changes and huge announcements that have rocked the world. We’ve got the biggest one of all to announce:
John’s short story begins way back in 1966, the Dark Ages to some. While John was hanging out with friends in the pottery studio at the Peninsula School of Art in Fish Creek, a friend said ’You should try this, John’ meaning throw on the potters wheel. John threw a dog dish. He. Was. Hooked. What big changes can you look for? You'll see them in the gallery, in our newsletter and blog and social media especially Instagram which is particularly good for images. But first, more about John. Without him and his hard work I'd have nothing to tell you.
After finishing college and a year in graduate school he knew he wanted to be a studio potter so in 1967 he talked to Abe Cohn, a Wisconsin master potter with a studio/gallery in both Milwaukee and Fish Creek about an assistant’s position. After 6 years with Abe and his wife Ginka he bought the property in Ellison Bay and started his own studio and gallery: Ellison Bay Pottery.
So for me, for us, here, this is a very important milestone. It’s wonderful to look at photos of the barn as it was and as it is today. John has wonderful stories of how it was to live in this big wooden tent with no well and no septic and no heat for three years. He worked hard to create the gallery and then studio in the first year so he could be in business as quickly as possible. His living quarters came last, but eventually everything was done. All the while he was working in his studio developing his skills, his ‘voice’, distinctive his style, his signature, his glazes. Surrounded by his various cats and dogs that made up his ‘Ellison Bay Pottery and Pet Farm’ he was often guided by those adorable creatures. This is Bibs giving John a should massage, or suggestions.
After all those years of creating a successful design and recognizable signature, we as artists are faced with choices: To continue down the safe road or venture off into the unknown. Stretching creative muscles isn’t easy and coasting on past successes is very, very easy. It’s also boring. No one wants to be bored, or boring!! So I’ll reveal a few new things we’ve been working this month.
John and I are in the middle of developing a new ikebana. It’s going to be completely hand-built. Look at these photos as a potter’s sketchbook. We expect to see changes. The first iteration will be fired and ready to show you soon and then we begin change it again! These photos are of green-ware: pottery that is just drying and not even close to what they will look like when completed. The mug has a new foot (that's what we call bottoms of things) and a different surface design. My square dishes are continuing to evolve.
While we are committed to functional pottery that can be used every day, the need to make decorative ceramic art is deep. John is working on a series, which he is currently calling his 'Planet' series which is beyond exciting to me. These were shot in the studio, not very good lighting. But their shapes don't need good lighting.
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Until I met John in 2003 I hadn't used a hand thrown soup mug. Years before, my Mom and I had been in John's studio to buy my brother and his fiancé a shower gift (goblets, of course) and we loved everything we saw. But I just didn't think of it as something for me. Someone else, yes. Me, no.
I had small children and I assumed that pottery was too fragile. Took too much care. Wasn't really practical.
Sale? What about the sale?
So marrying John and using pottery day after day was quite an introduction. Turns out my children couldn't easily break the plates and bowls; they tried to get out of washing dishes. They fussed over the rules a bit (one dish in the pan at a time to prevent chipping....OMG it takes sooooo long--said some whining child!). Soon it was second nature for even the youngest daughter.
Although I thought of only using the soup mugs for soup or stew, I soon learned to enjoy John's great chili in a mug and then there's the hot oatmeal in the microwave that is perfect for a morning like this. My children quickly found the soup mugs were the perfect size for ramen (with peas, or eggs, or left over chicken) and each kidlet went to college with a soup and a coffee mug.
And then there were the brilliant customers who used them as a watering dish for their bunnies and ferrets. No tipping was the selling point! More people pointed out how good they were as candle holders for pillar candles--the handles are the most romantic part.
What do you mean secret surprise gift? Tell me more, please.
And then there are leftovers: zap your choice in the microwave and TaDa----Lunch or dinner.
Easy wash up. Food safe glazes and no wacky plastic chemicals to worry about either. Sturdy and beautiful.
They are truly little works of art you can use everyday.
(front)-DO SOLD
(left)-CB SOLD
(middle)- ANB
(right)- FASBG SOLD
(front)- GR
Details of the sale:
Each mug is $44. Shipping is $15-$18 depending on the number of mugs you buy.
Special Secret Thank YOU Gift with each purchase. This gift was selected especially for this fun soup mug sale.
Send me your email with your selection and I'll send you a PayPal invoice. I'm not running this through the store this time. If you really don't want to use PayPal, call us at 920-740-5859.
As soon as I get your order I will note that sale on the website and on Facebook.
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