It's Time for the Annual 'Almost Perfect Pottery Sale'

A question asked often in our gallery is 'Where are your seconds shelf?
I disappoint many people when I tell them that we have a one day Second Sale in May during the Memorial Day weekend. And so many of our customers would miss it. I heard that so often that three years ago we included Facebook Live. That was fun, stressful and cumbersome. After two years of stumbling around I put all the pots on sale on our website. This was better than I imagined it could be. It was still fun and stressful but also the sale ran smoother and it was more organized. And everyone is a little happier.

Spring 2021, we added another second sale. We needed to boost our winter sales and get those seconds off our hands and into someone else's.
A pottery second isn't always a failure of the process or the potter, but is proof that anything can be more beautiful with a flaw or two.
Those seconds - Just how good are they, or rather, how bad are they??
Not bad at all. Often you won't be able to spot the flaw. Sometimes what we're dissatisfied with seems just fine to you. Minor chipped edges or a glaze fail are not enough to toss the pot on our 40 year old shard pile. Our policy is to never point out the the offending spot(s). If you can't tell then, why should we show it to you!
We've been holding our Almost Perfect Pottery Sale for over 20 years. There are customers who only shop for our pottery at our second it's also a little re-union at the beginning of our busy season. Some of our pottery lovers bring their own shopping bags to make my job easier. We're happy that our seconds shelves are empty and that so many people brought our pots home with them.
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